Link your AWS Account

This is the easiest and recommended way to link your AWS Account to Bipost API.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are planning to use Bipost Sync for production you may want to follow your IT department policies and use AWS security according to your needs.

Step 1: Have an AWS Account?

If you don't have an AWS Account please proceed:

  1. Create an AWS Account here

    Create an AWS Account

  2. AWS usually makes an automated verification phone call, we suggest to provide a land line.

  3. Provide payment information.
  4. Select Basic Support (free plan).
  5. Congrats you have an AWS account!

Need Help? --> Write us.

Step 2: Canonical User ID

Logged in to AWS Account:

  1. Upper right corner of your AWS console, click your account name (or follow next link).
  2. My Security Credentials.
  3. Click Continue to Security Credentials if dialog appears.
  4. Expand Account Identifiers.
  5. Copy AWS Account ID (12-digit) and Canonical User ID (64-digit).

    AWS Your Security Credentials

  6. Email these numbers to so we can setup your dedicated Bucket.

Please stop here until you get a reply email from Factor BI. We will provide your bucket name which will be used on further steps.

Step 3: Closest AWS Region

  • Click the above link and hit HTTP Ping and look for the lowest latency.
  • Maybe you want to try this at different times of the day.
  • Take note of the closest region.

Closest AWS Region to My Location

Step 4: CloudFormation

Based on the result from previous step, click the icon that is the closest Region to your location.

AWS Region Short name
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 cloudformation-launch-button
US East (Ohio) us-east-2 cloudformation-launch-button
US West (California) us-west-1 cloudformation-launch-button
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 cloudformation-launch-button
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 cloudformation-launch-button
Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1 cloudformation-launch-button
Europe (London) eu-west-2 cloudformation-launch-button
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 cloudformation-launch-button
Europe (Paris) eu-west-3 cloudformation-launch-button
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 cloudformation-launch-button
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 cloudformation-launch-button
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 cloudformation-launch-button
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 cloudformation-launch-button
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 cloudformation-launch-button
South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1 cloudformation-launch-button

4.1. Select Template

  • The template must be already selected, click Next lower-right blue button.

Select Template

4.2. Specify Details

  • Stack Name: this will be the prefix of all provisioned services. Example: mycompany-prod
  • BucketName: Paste the S3 bucket name that your received from Factor BI over email. It must look like this: bipostdata-acb123456789012
  • DBAdminPassword: Type a complex password. Must be at least 8 characters containing uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

    Password must be at least eight characters long. Can be any printable ASCII character except "/", """, or "@".

  • DBAdminUsername: Database Admin Username, example: root

  • DBInstanceClass: for testing purposes select the smallest available, currently db.t2.small
  • Environment: Text to be included in the database cluster name.
  • PublicSubnetACIDR: Leave default. Only modify the subnet address if multiple environments are needed, example:
  • PublicSubnetBCIDR: Leave default. Only modify the subnet address if multiple environments are needed, example:
  • SubnetsAZ: Select two availability zones to create the resources.
  • VPCCIDR: Leave default. Only modify the address if multiple environment are needed, example:
  • Click Next, blue button blue button.

Specify Details

4.3. Options

  • Leave all defaults, many in blank.
  • Click Next, blue button blue button lower right.

4.4. Review

  • Check I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.


  • Click Create blue button.
  • Please wait until creation is complete. It will take about an hour.
  • If asked to switch to the new CloudFormation console click Try it now.

4.5. Resources created

CloudFormation Console Home

  • Go to CloudFormation Stacks left menu and wait until Status is CREATE_COMPLETE.
  • Click your newly created Stack name.
  • Once Stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE click Outputs tab.
  • You may want to copy and save on a secure place all Outputs, as you will use them for further configuration.

Come back any time and open again the Outputs tab. --> From AWS Console Home, search for CloudFormation.

Stack details

Step 5: Add Role to Cluster

  1. Open RDS console.
  2. Click Databases on left pane.
  3. Click DB identifier Role Regional.
  4. Scroll down to section Manage IAM roles.

    RDS Clusters

  5. Under Add IAM roles to this cluster select the DBRole created on Outputs tab, Step 4.5, and click Add role button.

    Manage IAM roles

  6. Wait until you see Status ACTIVE.

Step 6: Test MySQL Connection

  1. Download MySQL Workbench and install on your machine.

  2. Open MySQL Workbench and setup a new connection.

    Workbench New MySQL Connection Menu

  3. Copy and paste from the Outputs tab (Step 4.5):

    Connection Name: type any name of your preference.

    Connection Method: Standard (TCP/IP)

    Hostname: Paste the AuroraEndpoint string.

    Port: 3306

    Username: Paste the DBUser string

    Click Test Connection and when prompt type the DBAdminPassword you used on Step 4.2.

    If you have a successful connection then you are good to go!

    Workbench Setup New Connection

Step 7: Register at Factor BI

Click and follow steps to create your account with Factor BI.